11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Killington Parks & Recreation Baseball 2025 - Mighty Mites All children in grades 1 through 6 are invited to join spring baseball. This co-ed recreation league is a fun and easy way for kids of all abilities to enjoy learning the game. Beginners are welcome! All information below is based on estimated guidelines for spring sports. Exact start times and the format for inter-league play is subject to change.PracticeThe Majors division will practice every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday beginning on Monday, March 31 from 3:15 to 5:15 PM. The Minors division will practice every Tuesday and Thursday beginning on Tuesday, April 1 from 3:15 to 5:15 PM. The Mighty Mites division will practice every Saturday starting April 5 from 11:00am to 12:15pm. (These practice times could change due to coach availability, we'll update them if necessary) If field conditions are not ready for play, practices will be held at the elementary school. Once practices have fully transitioned to outside, players are encouraged to come in sneakers (or baseball cleats if you have them), layers, a ball cap. Please also bring a glove and a full water bottle. Equipment should not be a barrier to play, so please email Griffin Van Niel at recadmin@killingtontown.com if you need help with any of these items. GamesGames for the Majors begin the week of 5/5, and games for the Minors begin the week of 5/13. The week of 6/16 will be the last week of games. NO PLAYOFFS THIS SEASON. Games will start at 6:00pm with an hour and a half time limit. No new inning can start after 7:30pm. The Majors and Minors have games at different locations throughout Rutland County including, but not limited to, Rutland Town, Brandon, Pittsford, Poutlney, Rutland City, and more. Registration FeesRegistration opens Monday, March 3. For players in 3rd through 6th grade, $30 residents, $35 non-residentsFor players in 1st & 2nd grade, $15 residents, $20 non-residentsAny registration after April 7 will be issued a $10 late fee. It's important to register as soon as you can because this is very helpful when jersey orders are submitted. Financial aid is available to ensure all interested children can participate.Majors BaseballAge: 5th-6th Grade Boys & GirlsCoach: TBAAssistant Coaches:TBAGames: Mondays, Wednesdays, or FridaysPractice: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 3:15 to 5:15 PM.Minors BaseballAge: 3rd and 4th Grade Boys & GirlsCoach: TBAAssistant Coaches: TBAGames: Tuesdays or ThursdaysPractice: Tuesday, Thursday from 3:15 to 5:15 PM.Mighty MitesAge: 1st-2nd Grade Boys & GirlsCoach: Volunteers neededAssistant Coaches: Volunteers neededThe team will have regular practices on Saturday mornings from 11 AM to 12:15 PM. Traditionally, Mighty Mites has been an informal program with a few games in Rutland, depending on interest. This is a wonderful way for children to be introduced to the game of baseball.