Killington Recreation Department
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2025 Summer Camps- Loads of Fun and Green Mountain Explorers Register View Cart

Deers Leap Campers
The much anticipated Killington Parks and Recreation summer camps return to the Johnson Recreation Center for another 8-weeks of fun! Campers will enjoy outdoor exploration, swimming, crafts, sports, enrichment activities, and more. We are also pleased to partner with Sherburne Memorial Library for their summer program series.

This year we have streamlined camp information registration for "Camp Loads of Fun" and "Green Mountain Explorers" into one location for parents. 

Camp Loads of Fun is open to campers ages 4-10 who will be broken into 3 age groups:
Little Explorers (age 4-5), Junior Explorers (age 6-7), Active Explorers (age 8-10). These campers will primarily stay at the Rec Center and enjoy swimming, camp activities, weekly field trips, and camp visitors. 

Green Mountain Explorers is open to campers ages 10-13 and will embark on daily excursions away from the Johnson Recreation Center to create lasting memories and foster a deep connection with the beautiful surroundings of Killington. 

2025 Camp Pricing:

2025 Camp Pricing

Scholarships are available to help cover camp tuition fees. For more information on scholarships, email

Camp Schedule
Summer camp will run from Monday June 23rd through Friday August 15th. Camp drop-off is from 8:30am-9:15am and camp pick-up is from 4:30pm-5:00pm.
Note: There is a $1/ minute late pick-up charge for campers remaining at camp after 5:00pm. This fee must be paid prior to the camper(s) returning to camp the next day.

There will be NO CAMP on Friday July 4th 2024 due to the Town's July 4th celebration.

Registration and Waitlist
Camp registration opens on WEDNESDAY MARCH 5th for all Killington Residents, KPAA Business Members, and Killington second home owners. If you are an employee of a KPAA Business member, but not a Killington resident, email to have your account updated.

Camp registration for non-residents will open on MONDAY March 10th.

If a program fills, please sign your child up for the waitlist activity. Choose the dates and program you're interested in. If spots open up, we will reach out to see if you're interested in moving off the waitlist.

All registrations after May 15th will be subject to a $35 late registration fee.

Payments and Deposits:
Full payment is due prior to the start date of the program your camper is registered for, unless you have made alternate arrangements with Emily Hudson, Recreation Director. Camp payment can either be paid in full upon registration, or via a 10% non-refundable deposit with the final balance being paid prior to the start of camp.

Changes/ Cancellations:
We understand that plans change, and your camper(s) may not be able to attend the weeks they were initially registered for. We ask that you communicate these changes as far in advance as possible to allow time for families on the waitlist to make plans for camp.
Note: Campers can only be moved between weeks if there is space available in new session. Please confirm availability in the new week with Emily Hudson ( prior to cancelling the week you registered for.

- Full refunds will be issued if the recreation makes changes that prohibits the participants from attending.

- Full refund (minus non-refundable deposit) will be issued for any changes or cancellations made prior to 5pm the Wednesday before your camp session starts. This allows time for families on the wait list to move into the session.

- Partial refund (50%) will be issued for any changes or cancellations made within two business day prior to the start of your camp session.

Payment is non refundable for campers who do not show up or cancel after 4pm the Friday prior to their camp session.

Swim Lessons
Please be prepared to give your child's swim level during registration. Use the level descriptions below and make your best estimate based on your child's last experience in the water. Instructors will confirm swim levels during lessons, but having an approximate starting point is very helpful.

If a camper does not swim with ease, we require they wear a puddle jumper life jacket during free swim. We will supply swimmers with puddle jumpers, or parents may send a child with their own PFD.

Level I: Help first time swimmers feel comfortable in the water.
Level 2: Students learn how to float and start to develop fundamental skills. They should be comfortable in the water.
Level 3: Students learn to front crawl, backstroke, and tread water. Students should be able to swim length of pool comfortably.
Level 4: Students learn endurance swimming in elementary back stroke, breaststroke, sidestroke, and to turn at the wall.

Strong swimmers age 5 and above who can swim the length of the pool (25 yards) unassisted, might consider joining the Killington Sharks competitive swim team. Learn more at

Inclement Weather Plan
Camp Loads of Fun and Green Mountain Explorers camps operate outside at the Johnson Recreation Center. In the event of severe inclement weather (thunder, lightening, severe rain etc.) camp will be moved inside the Library Meeting Room or the first floor of the Town Hall until the weather event passes. Parents will be notified via text message and email blast if camp pick-up location has been moved inside.

In the event of sustained inclement weather or severe conditions, Killington Parks and Recreation reserves the right to cancel or shorten the camp day due to limited indoor space available. If sustained severe weather, such as thunderstorms or heavy rain, is projected, camp staff will notify parents/guardians of any schedule modifications or cancellations via email. This notification will be sent by the end of the camp day prior to the affected day.
In the event of inclement weather that results in a state of emergency for our area, camp will be canceled until the state of emergency is lifted.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Junior Explorers 
6y - 7y N/A MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM

Johnson Recreation Center
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Active Explorers 
8y - 10y N/A MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM

Johnson Recreation Center
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Green Mountain Explorers 
10y - 13y N/A MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM

Johnson Recreation Center
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4y - 13y N/A MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM

Johnson Recreation Center
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Little Explorers 
4y - 5y N/A MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM

Johnson Recreation Center
See Options
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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